Words From a Shy Yet Social Woman


I love writing. I love written communication. I excel in expressing myself  when I am writing my thoughts down, verbally, I don’t excel as much. I think its partially because I prefer to listen and wait till no one is saying anything to respond but its also because i’m shy. Verbally expressing myself has been a difficult task for me but i’m working on it and getting better. I love to chat and share verbally and I do so a lot. I’m a chatty girl, really, I am; still, I prefer to express my wants and needs with written words. Maybe, it is because I don’t feel as shy or maybe it’s because I can take the time to fully express what I want to say without interruption. Either way, written words are my chosen medium. Being preferential to the written word coupled with a creative imagination, it’s no wonder I became a writer.   I’ve been writing fiction and non-fiction since I was 15!  At the age of 18, I published my first short story in the Young Writers’ of Canada  Tales from the Campfire.  I wrote a very short story (350 words)  about a teenage girl who survived a serious drunk-driving car accident (leaving it  a large gash across her cheek, which served as a reminder to not drink and drive.)   Afterwards, I attended university and as an assistant editor (then editor then assistant Editor-In-Chief) I wrote many articles for Imprint Publications. Now, I’m currently writing a novel, which I would like to finish my first draft by December (fingers crossed). The written word has become a strong part of my life and I hope it will stay that way but I’m continuing to improve my verbal communications as well!

Besides it’s like Terri Main says ” You are a writer, the ‘normal’ ship sailed without you long ago.”

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